I have mentioned before the presence of testosterone in men that gives us our masculine characteristics. Testosterone is the steroid hormone in men which influences sex drive, physical strength, body hair, deeper voice, and mental function. While it occurs in women in much smaller amounts, it is the characteristic that influences most who we are as men.
It was my friend and protege in ministry, Eric Johnson, a chemist by profession, who put me on to thinking in terms of “sanctified testosterone.” We were visiting one day when he began talking about his discovery that masculinity means separation. “You read that in my blog!” I proudly noted. “No, I discovered it by studying testosterone,” he replied, deflating my balloon.
Eric went on to tell me that humans are conceived essentially female, with sex organs that will develop as female unless something happens to change that. Six weeks after conception, the Y-chromosome induces a testosterone release that washes the embryo and triggers its development into a male. If the testosterone release does not occur the embryo becomes a female. Chemically speaking the testosterone wash separates male from female through the process of masculinization. The release affects the embryonic brain and growth of male sex organs.
I am intrigued with the concept of separation and differentiation in Eric’s work. We have already noted from psychological and cultural perspectives that masculinity means separation. But now we hear it from the bio-chemical perspective. We not only experience continual separation and differentiation throughout our lives, beginning in childhood, but now it seems that differentiation actually begins in the womb not long after conception.
But in a sense I think this separation occurs before conception. When God called Jeremiah to be the prophet to the nations he resisted, citing his young age. Listen to what God told him: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:5). I note that Jeremiah had identity before conception, and was set apart during gestation. Sanctified testosterone, indeed.
We are created to have deep voices to declare God’s word; and strong bodies to do fight his fight and do his work. We are given testosterone-induced passion to have dreams and visions that motivate us to sacrifice self for the sake of something greater. We are created to take wives and beget children and direct their lives into the service of our king.
Men, go for it! Be strong and passionate. Fight for what is right. Follow the God-given calling given to you as you were set apart in the womb. Be bold and courageous, and don’t be let down whent he culture tries to tame your passion and belittle your strength. Rise up and be men of God, sanctified by the very testosterone that makes you who you are!
It was my friend and protege in ministry, Eric Johnson, a chemist by profession, who put me on to thinking in terms of “sanctified testosterone.” We were visiting one day when he began talking about his discovery that masculinity means separation. “You read that in my blog!” I proudly noted. “No, I discovered it by studying testosterone,” he replied, deflating my balloon.
Eric went on to tell me that humans are conceived essentially female, with sex organs that will develop as female unless something happens to change that. Six weeks after conception, the Y-chromosome induces a testosterone release that washes the embryo and triggers its development into a male. If the testosterone release does not occur the embryo becomes a female. Chemically speaking the testosterone wash separates male from female through the process of masculinization. The release affects the embryonic brain and growth of male sex organs.
I am intrigued with the concept of separation and differentiation in Eric’s work. We have already noted from psychological and cultural perspectives that masculinity means separation. But now we hear it from the bio-chemical perspective. We not only experience continual separation and differentiation throughout our lives, beginning in childhood, but now it seems that differentiation actually begins in the womb not long after conception.
But in a sense I think this separation occurs before conception. When God called Jeremiah to be the prophet to the nations he resisted, citing his young age. Listen to what God told him: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations” (Jer. 1:5). I note that Jeremiah had identity before conception, and was set apart during gestation. Sanctified testosterone, indeed.
We are created to have deep voices to declare God’s word; and strong bodies to do fight his fight and do his work. We are given testosterone-induced passion to have dreams and visions that motivate us to sacrifice self for the sake of something greater. We are created to take wives and beget children and direct their lives into the service of our king.
Men, go for it! Be strong and passionate. Fight for what is right. Follow the God-given calling given to you as you were set apart in the womb. Be bold and courageous, and don’t be let down whent he culture tries to tame your passion and belittle your strength. Rise up and be men of God, sanctified by the very testosterone that makes you who you are!

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